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The Health and Safety Executive state that if you rent out property in Blackpool you must undertake a legionella risk assessment to protect yourself legally. You also have a duty to your tenant to ensure that you have considered the risk of legionella forming in the water system of the property you rent to them.

There are 2 options available to landlords in Blackpool who are renting out domestic property. These are clearly stated by the HSE website. Here at The Legionella Risk Assessment Registers we are focused on delivering the correct options to landlords. These are :

1. You can undertake the risk assessment yourself as long as you feel competent to do so, at here at LRA Register we provide a clear step by step guide which gives you all the information you need to produce your own Legionella Risk Assessment for your tenant. Once you have followed the step by step guide you simply input the information gathered from your property into the online assessment software and your completed assessment is created and delivered to you by email instantly. The cost for this service is £12.95.

If you prefer not to do the assessment yourself please call me, Martin Baker on 07813 035717 and I will visit the property for you and undertake the assessment.

One the assessment is completed I will forward you a link to the certificate on the register the same day.

Martin Baker

My charges are from £30 to undertake the assessment (dependent on property size and location) plus the £12.95 lodgement fee.

There are many rental properties in the Blackpool area that have not had a legionella risk assessment undertaken and these landlords are leaving themselves liable to large fines for non compliance.

Don't be one of those Blackpool Landlords that ignores their responsibilities. Run your Legionella Risk Assessment today and it will be officially lodged on our register for download at any time. If asked, you can then direct anyone to the register to see the assessment is completed and lodged.

On October 1st 2015 the House of Commons issued a briefing paper to clarify the legal requirements for landlords with regards to Legionella Risk Assessments.

This gives specific clarification that all landlords operating rental properties must undertake a Legionella risk assessment on each rental property they own.

Whilst many Blackpool landlords understandably do not agree with this regulation the fact remains it is legally required.

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