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Legionella Risk Assessment Colchester

Are you a letting agent or private landlord in the Colchester area - Have you completed your Legionella Risk Assessment ?

If you rent out property in Colchester you must undertake a legionella risk assessment to protect yourself legally. You also have a duty to your tenant to ensure that you have considered the risk of legionella forming in the water system of the property you rent to them.

There are many rental properties in Colchester that have not had a legionella risk assessment undertaken and these landlords are leaving themselves liable to large fines for non compliance.

For the sake of a few minutes of your time and a cost of less than £13 per year is it really worth ignoring ?

Dont be one of those Colchester Landlords that ignores their responsibilities. Run your Legionella Risk Assessment today and it will be officially lodged on our register for download at any time. If asked, you can then direct anyone to the register to see the assessment is completed and lodged.

Read our step by step guide to completing a fully compliant and legal legionella risk assessment.

Legionella Risk Assessments in Colchester are a legal Requirement for all Landlords.

The law and you.

The law is clear that if you are a landlord and rent out your property in Colchester (or even a room within your own home) then you have legal responsibilities to ensure the health and safety of your tenant by keeping the property safe and free from health hazards.

Section 3(2) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSWA) makes provision for relevant health and safety legislation to apply to landlords to ensure a duty of care is shown to their tenants’ with regard to their health and safety.  The general duties require under section 3(2) that "It shall be the duty of every self-employed person to conduct his undertaking in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that he and other persons (not being his employees) who may be affected thereby are not thereby exposed to risks to their health or safety.".   Landlords, under Section 53 of HSWA are regarded as being self-employed and tenants fall into the class of “other persons (not being his employees)”.  If you rent out a property, you have legal responsibilities to ensure you conduct your undertaking in such a way that your tenant(s) are not exposed to health and safety risks.

If a tenant were to contract Legionnaires’ disease from the water system in their home, the landlord may be liable to prosecution under HSWA, and would have to demonstrate to a court that they had fulfilled their legal duty, so it is important that they assess and control the risks.

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