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Letting Agent Membership.


 We have many agents accross the uk who now use or to complete and lodge their Legionella Risk Assessments. Here are just a few of our latest members.


If you would like to produce legionella risk assessments for your landlords please complete the short enquiry form in the top menu. We will then send you information on our pay as you go service here at and our service at where we can offer you a branded assessment service and an online training course.

06 October 2015.

For the avoidence of any doubt the House of Commons have issued a new paper on the 1st October making the requirements crystal clear.


See the full paper here

Be in no doubt, Landlords must organise this simple assessment.

All landlords of domestic rental properties must undertake a Legionella Risk Assessment to comply with legal requirements.

Our step by step guide and simple process will ensure you are able to produce assessments for your landlords and will automatically produce a professional assessment which covers the requirements and gives practical advice to the tenant.

Our report is written by fully trained and accredited Legionella Risk Assessors and is updated as required.

User Reviews

11-07-2022 18:57
David Bradford
Why not add relevant statements to hand over to tenants to manage ongoing risk.

Eg: If away for more than a week (set time) then run taps - hot until warm, cold for a period. If hot water is switched of and property empty then drain volume of tank (if practical) then switch on or switch on and wait for a 24 hr cycle or number of hours at 60 degrees. This can be made to follow the risk assessment (perhaps enhanced) or optional statements for reviewer to select.
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